95. Council session: Paris, on 27/06/1991
Documents from 03 June 1991 to 17 September 1991Identity Statement
Casar, Andreja
Content and Structure
Official issues : draft agendas, list of participants, draft minutes, resolutions.
Relevant subjects: report by Director General, preparation of Council meeting at ministerial level. Finance matters: approval of the revised financial regulations, application of the budget charging policy to the science programme, nomination of members of the Audit Commission. Legal matters: implementing arrangement with the USSR Academy of Sciences for the conduct of joint experiments on the BION-10 mission, approval of the agreement with the French Government on the Guiana Space Centre (CSG) for 1990-1992 and related protocol, approval of the revised implementing rules for the In-Orbit Technology Demonstration Programme, ERS-2 implementing rules, memoranda of understanding with National Ocean and Atmosphere Organisation (NOAA) and National Aeronautics and Space Development Agency for Japan (NASDA) on access to data, agreement with Canada on ERS-1 data, report by the Chair of the Working Group on the Single European Act, report by the Chair of the Working Group of Legal Experts.
European Astronaut selection and recruitment.
Personnel matters: funding of the pension scheme, draft resolution.
Services to third parties, study for Eutelsat, continuation of consultancy services for the Italian Space Agency (ASI)
Conditions of Access and Use
English, French