113th Council sessions: Paris from 22 to 23/06/1994 and on 19/07/1994
113th Council sessions: Paris from 22 to 23/06/1994 and on 19/07/1994
Documents from 24 May 1994 to 18 October 1994
Identity Statement
Casar, Andreja
Content and Structure
Official issues : draft agendas, list of participants, draft minutes.
Relevant subjects: report by Director General on science, observation of the Earth and its environment, telecommunications, manned space flight and microgravity, space transportation systems, launchers, ESOC, ESRIN, ESTEC. As annex: CSAC Chairman's address to Council on method of salary adjustment
Programme matters: review of ESA internal operations, manned space programme, Earth Observation programme: financial cover of Envisat and polar platform, Science programme: launcher for integral, European Cooperation for Space Standardisation (ECSS), Earth Observation Programme: financial cover of Envisat, science programme: launcher for integral
Finance matters: revision of financial regulations and appointment of new Chairman of Audit Commission, financing the Hydra hydraulic shaker facility, contract staff: unblocking in the 1994 general budget
Legal matters: draft agreement with the Russian Federation on ESA permanent mission, cooperation agreement with the RSA on manned infrastructure, agreement with ASI, Future European Space Transportation Investigation Programme (FESTIP) and European Microgravity Research Programme (EMIR) implementing rules
Cooperation with US and Russia on Columbus and Manned Space Transportation Programme (MSTP), contract staff: unblocking of amounts in 1994 general budget.
Report to Council by Chairman of ECU Working Group
Resolutions on the European Cooperation for Space Standardisation (ECSS) and on early delivery items in the framework of space cooperation with US and Russia and on enhancement items for Columbus orbital facility
Conditions of Access and Use
English, French