118th Council session: Paris from 21/06 to 22/06/1995

Documents from 24 May 1995 to 21 November 1995

Identity Statement

HAEU Reference Code
Original Reference Code
Extent and Medium


Physical Medium


Reference Archivists

Casar, Andreja

Content and Structure


Official issues : draft agendas, list of participants, draft minutes.
Relevant subjects: report on events since the 117th meeting, preparations for the ministerial Council meeting, review of ESA internal operations.
Finance matters: Council working group on introduction of the ECU, review of calculation procedure for the mandatory contribution scale, Audit Commission's member replacement.
Legal matters: Protocol between Kenya, Italy and ESA on the Ariane-5 station at Malindi and cooperation in other areas between Kenya and ESA, ERS-2 agreement with NASA, ERS-2 agreement with National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA), revision of terms of reference of the SPC.
Industrial policy matters: analysis of the general situation regarding geographical return.
Contract matters: ESA participation in the EC's joint research project European Sun Simulators EUROSUSI, ESRIN participation in the EC's joint research projects.
Personnel matters: remuneration of staff of the coordinated organisations: 22nd report and follow-up. Programme reports on mission operations and ground segment activities.
As annexes: Report of the Director General on space science, observation of the Earth and its environment, telecommunications, manned spaceflight and microgravity, launchers, ESRIN. Statement by the Chairman of the Central Staff Association Committee.
Resolution on the chairmanship of the delegate bodies of ESA.

Conditions of Access and Use


English, French

Type of Archival Materials


Allied Materials

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