91. Council session: Paris, from 27/06 to 28/06/1990
91. Council session: Paris, from 27/06 to 28/06/1990
Documents from 17 May 1990 to 25 September 1990
Identity Statement
Casar, Andreja
Content and Structure
Official issues : draft agendas, list of participants, draft minutes.
Relevant subjects: report by Director General. Programme matters: Earth Observation Programme, Telecommunications programme, and Data Relay Technology Mission (DRTM) status report, Advanced Systems and Technology Programme, phase 4 (ASTP-4), implementing rules, space transportation programme, in-orbit infrastructure ground segment for operations.
Finance matters: reform of budget structure and charging policy, number of States represented on the Audit Commission and its members' period of office.
Legal matters: ESA/NASA Memorandum of Understanding on Cassini, Working Group on the Single European Act, Columbus and Hermes development programmes: postponement of the start of phase 2.
International affairs: revised terms of reference for IRAC.
Services for third parties.
Resolution on the assessment of the potential repercussions of the Single European Act
Chairs of Council and other delegate bodies
Conditions of Access and Use
English, French