114th Council session: Noordwijk from 19/10 to 20/10/1994
114th Council session: Noordwijk from 19/10 to 20/10/1994
Documents from 20 September 1994 to 10 March 1995
Identity Statement
Casar, Andreja
Content and Structure
Official issues : draft agendas, list of participants, draft minutes.
Relevant subjects: report by Director General on science, observation of the Earth and its environment, telecommunications, manned space flight and microgravity, launchers, ESOC, ESRIN, ESTEC.
Programme matters: review of ESA internal operations, manned space programme, amended declaration on Columbus programme, Earth Observation Programme: UK contribution to MSG programme, level of resources.
Finance matters: report of the Working Group on the ECU.
Legal matters: agreement with Indonesia on ERS-1, minimum level of contribution to an optional programme.
Services for third parties.
Resolution on review of ESA internal operations.
Conditions of Access and Use
English, French