SI(1976)148 - Agenda of a forthcoming Council on Agriculture MEMO FOR THE MEMBERS OF THE COMMISSION Subject : 804th meeting of the Committee of Permanent Representatives (Deputies) 25 February 1976 - Proposal for a Council Directive fixing a maximum erucic acid level in fats, oils and margarines intended for human consumption [Docs. COM(75) 307 final R/413/76 (AGRI 108) SI(76) 131]

Document date: [1976]

Identity Statement

HAEU Reference Code
Original Reference Code
Reference Archivists

Brouet, Agnes

Content and Structure


Volume 1976/0003
Le(s) titre(s) et date(s) du(des) document(s) proposé(s) sont basés sur les plus pertinents du dossier.
Date indicative : 03/03/1976
Agenda of a forthcoming Council on Agriculture MEMO FOR THE MEMBERS OF THE COMMISSION Subject : 804th meeting of the Committee of Permanent Representatives (Deputies) 25 February 1976 - Proposal for a Council Directive fixing a maximum erucic acid level in fats, oils and margarines intended for human consumption [Docs. COM(75) 307 final
R/413/76 (AGRI 108)
SI(76) 131] (ENG)
Tagesordnung einer der nächsten Rats- tagungen über Landwirtschafts- fragen VERMERK FÜR DIE HERREN MITGLIEDER DER KOMMISSION Betrifft : 804. Tagung des Ausschusses der Ständigen Vertreter (Stellvertreter), 25. Februar 1976 - Vorschlag für eine Richtline des Rates zur Festsetzung des Höchstgehalts an Erukasäure in Speisefetten, -Ölen und Margarine, die in Lebensmitteln verwendet werden [Dok. KOM(75) 307 endgültig
R/413/76 (AGRI 108)
SI(76) 131] (DEU)

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English, German

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