218th IPC meeting: Paris on 22-24/11/2004

Documents from 05 November 2004 to 28 April 2005

Identity Statement

HAEU Reference Code
Original Reference Code
ESA/IPC/MIN/218; ESA/IPC/OJ/218; ESA/IPC/OJ/218, rev.1
Extent and Medium


Physical Medium


Reference Archivists

Casar, Andreja

Content and Structure


Official issues: draft agendas, list of participants, draft minutes.
Relevant subjects: plan of work; proposal for the reinforced technology harmonisation process in answer to ESA June Council resolution; European space technology harmonisation work plan for 2005; assessment of industrial policy measures for non-primes, SMEs and R&D entities in ESA programmes (C1-C4 measures); implementation of Council's decision on hierarchy of return rules; weighting factors in Ariane production; update of GSTP-3 work plan / procurement plan; update of GSTP-4 work plan / procurement plan; ARTES-5 procurement plan for activities planned for 2004; grouped procurement proposals (ARTES-4); phase b of the Digital Divide Space element; draft 2004 budget for GSTP-4; GSTP: status of PROBA 1; full development phase C/D of the batch 1 EMCS experiments for flight in the ISS; development of Aeolus Core Payload Data segment; launch services for the SMOS and ADM-Aeolus satellites; development and maintenance of Ground Data Systems (2005-2009).

Conditions of Access and Use


English, French

Type of Archival Materials


Allied Materials

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