199th IPC meeting: in Paris on 26 and 27/06/2002

Documents from 05 July 2002 to 31 October 2002

Identity Statement

HAEU Reference Code
Original Reference Code
ESA/IPC/MIN/199;ESA/IPC/MIN/199B;ESA/IPC/OJ/199;ESA/IPC/OJ/199, rev.1/ESA/IPC/OJ/199,add.1
Extent and Medium


Physical Medium


Reference Archivists

Casar, Andreja

Content and Structure


Official issues : draft agendas, minutes, list of participants, revisions.
Relevant subjects: IPC work plan, update of IPC terms of reference, activities of the ESA industrial Ombudsman, harmonisation and dossier ''0'' status report, MISTER presentation, TRP 2000-2002, detailed work plan and procurement plan (ESA/IPC(2002)3,add.3), implementation of Technology Transfer Programme (Phase 2) (ESA/IPC(2002)1,add.31), vinci engine and ESCB propulsion system (ESA/IPC(2002)58), grouped procurement proposals (ESA/IPC(2002)1,add.24), development of DVB-RCS/S compatible interactive satellite broadband communication system (AMERHIS) (ESA/IPC(2002)63), status of Galileo programme, phase A of instrument studies for the visible-infrared imager for Metop-3 (ESA/IPC(2002)1,add.29), stage 1 service consolidation actions of the Earthwatch GMES services element (ESA/IPC(2002)1,add.30), observation technique and sensor concept for post-MSG missions (ESA/IPC(2002)1,add.32), grouped procurement proposals (EOEP slice 2) (ESA/IPC(2002)1,add.33), CryoSat launch services, phase B and pre-C/D of the ADM-Aeolus mission, communication/public relations support for MSM Office of Strategy and Communication (ESA/IPC(2002)1,add.25), ISS operations preparation technical and management support (ESA/IPC(2002),add.26), phase A/B studies for the Materials Science Laboratory (MSL) (ESA/IPC(2002)1,add.27), new developments for the European Drawer Rack (EDR) on the International Space Station (ISS) (ESA/IPC(2002)62), grouped procurement proposals (ESA/IPC(2002)1,add.22), maintenance and operation of the ESA operational computer and communications infrastructure (ESA/IPC(2002)1,add.23), Venus Express, ESA technology R&D Programme in support of future science missions (2000-2004) (update of the detailed work plan 2000-2004 and procurement plan) (ESA/IPC(2002)33,add.1), election of chairman and vice-chairman, procurement of the GSTB-V2 space segment, grouped procurement proposals for the GSTB-V2 payload equipment.

Conditions of Access and Use


English, French

Type of Archival Materials


Allied Materials

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