213th IPC meeting: Svalbard on 04-06/05/2004
Documents from 14 April 2004 to 09 November 2004Identity Statement
Casar, Andreja
Content and Structure
Official issues: draft agendas, list of participants, draft minutes.
Relevant subjects: IPC work plan; implementation aspects of new Clause 46 of the General Clauses and Conditions for ESA contacts; FINPOL Council working group; update of GSTP work plan / procurement plan; Directorate of EU and Industrial Programmes: grouped procurement proposals ("A" item); procurement proposals for Alphabus phase C/D; feasibility study of caesium clock technology for Galileo space and ground segment; status report on the implementation of GalileoSat development and validation procurement; status report on the implementation of New Generation launcher - procurement actions within FLPP; grouped procurement proposals (ISS and ELIPS); L3CCd/EMCCD technology for lidar applications; support for the MELISSA external laboratory; upgrading the Multishaker vertical configuration; Venus Express implementation: launch preparation, in-orbit commissioning; geographical distribution of contracts - situation 31 December 2003; restructuring and consequences for the IPC and relations between the Executive and delegations; IPC working methods - "A" items.
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English, French