194th IPC meeting: in Paris on 04 et 05/10/2001
Documents from 18 September 2001 to 07 March 2002Identity Statement
Casar, Andreja
Content and Structure
Official issues : draft agendas, minutes, list of participants, revision.
Relevant subjects : PIC work plan, preparation for ministerial meeting of Council, TRP 2000-2002 workplan and procurement plan, GSTP procurement plan, procurement plan for activities planed for 2001 for the ASTE programme, satellite-enhanced coverage of Mobimed for helicopter air ambulances pilot programme, inter-satellite link front-end, grouped procurement proposals concerning Earth and environment monitoring from space, Envisat payload module computer independent software validation and preparation of in-orbit maintenance, development of an autonomous miniaturized high-rate star sensor, maser sounding rocket flight for microgravity research, optimisation of high-resolution stereo camera for Mars Express, procurement of European payload for the Chinese Double Star programme, procurement of an aseptic assembly facility for Beagle 2, grouped procurement proposals concerning Technical and operational support, additional analysis of correlation of A5 nozzle buffering loads.
Conditions of Access and Use
English, French