178th IPC meeting: Paris from 24/11 to 25/11/1999
Documents from 02 November 1999 to 26 June 2000Identity Statement
Casar, Andreja
Content and Structure
Official issues : draft agendas, minutes, list of participants. Relevant subjects: assessment of the European satellite equipment supply sector, public/private partnerships, use of non-national industrial expertise in national programmes, technology planning and harmonization status, draft legal texts for GSTP-3, 2000 budget for GSTP second three-year period, provision of operations engineering services, extension of the agreements with ITS, IABG and CSL on use of coordinated test facilities, updating of 1999-2000 plan, development and implementation of Columbus payload training, ASTE procurement plan/work plan (activities planned for 2000), GalileoSat definition study, European Space Components Cordination (ESCC)
Conditions of Access and Use
English, French