241st IPC meeting: Paris on 29 and 30 January 2008
Documents from 15 January 2008 to 22 March 2010Identity Statement
Casar, Andreja
Content and Structure
Official issues: draft agenda and its revisions, list of participants, draft minutes.
Relevant subjects: NEWPRO Programme Proposal; Procurement reform: contracts evolution; Grouped procurement proposals for ARTES 4; ARTES 11 - small GEO mission phases B/C/D/E1; ARTES 5 - procurement plan for activities planned for 2008; ESA Technology R&D Programme in support to future science missions: update of the detailed work plan and procurement plan (2006-2009); ExoMars phase B2 and advanced phase C/D activities.
Conditions of Access and Use
English, French
Allied Materials
Draft agenda in English and translated into French on 15/01/2008.
Draft agenda revision 1 in English and translated into French on 21/01/2008.
Draft agenda revision 2 in English and translated into French on 28/01/2008.
Draft minutes in English on 22/03/2010 and translated into French on 21/04/2010.