Printed writings by TPS

Documents from [1992] to [12/2001]

Identity Statement

HAEU Reference Code
Reference Archivists

Bonini, Gherardo

Content and Structure


Excerpts "Banques, assurances, finances : Rédéfinition des frontières dans la banque et l’assurance" by TPS from "Revue d’Economie Financière" (December 1988), plus its English version "The Blurring of Financial Frontiers: in Search of an Order", and its Italian version
Issue n. 19 (1992) of "ECU" with title EMU Dossier UEM containing TPS contribution "Economic and monetary union"
Procceding of Congress "I mercati finanziari verso l’unione economica e monetaria europea" (Sienna 20 November 1992) containing TPS opening remarks
Proceedings of congress "Quindici anni a servizio del sistema bancario italiano" (Milan 24 November 1992) containing TPS contribution "La Società interbancaria per l’automazione nel sistema monetario e finanziario Italiano: realizzazioni e prospettive", plus separate offprint
Issue of Winter 1992-1993 of "Payment systems worldwide" containing TPS contribution "A European perspective of large value payment systems" (and separate offprint), plus copy of "Bancaria (June 1983) containing its Italian version "Sistemi di pagamento all’ingrosso: una prospettiva europea" and a separate offprint copy
Offprint "Moneta, titoli e valuta: verso una tesoreria integrata published and copy of "La Tesoreria" (October/December 1993) issue
Issue copy of "Capital Market and EMU. Report of a CEPS Working Party" (CEPS Report, 1998) with contributions of TPS as Chairman
Three issues of "The Financial Regulator" with interview, intervention and mention by TPS
Proceedings of congress "Riprogettare l’Agenda" (Rome, 11 December 2001) containing TPS contribution

Conditions of Access and Use


English, Italian

Type of Archival Materials


Allied Materials

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