Extracts from scientific journals (mainly by TPS)

Documents from [1985] to [2004]

Identity Statement

HAEU Reference Code
Reference Archivists

Bonini, Gherardo

Content and Structure


Proceedings of the seminar held in Florence on 29/30 November 1985 on "Problematiche relative al capitale proprio delle Banche Popolari: esperienze a confronto" with off-print related to TPS intervention
"The EMS: a Long-Term View", offprint from a Conference given by TPS in Perugia, October 1987, plus "Lo SME: una visione di lungo termine", offprint from "La politica monetaria in Italia" (1989)
"La funzione della Sia", offprint from Bancaria (January 1988)
Issue of "Politica economica" (December 1990) containing TPS contribution "Unione e concorrenza monetaria: note per un dibattito"
"La cooperazione allo sviluppo", offprint from Credito popolare, May/August 1991
"Union monétaire et concurrence des monnaies en Europe", offprint from Commentare (summer 1991)
"Agenda for Stage Two: Preparing the Monetary Platform" by TPS and Fabrizio Saccomanni, CEPR Occasional Paper n. 7, plus its Italian version "Agenda per la fase due dell’UEM: preparare la piattaforma monetaria", working document presented to the Meeting in memory of Stefano Vona, Rome, 6/7 December 1991
"Economia, finanza, moneta: l’Italia e l’Europa", offprint from Giornale degli economisti e Annali di economia, January/April 1992
"Il mercato finanziario italiano nel mercato europeo", offprint from "Rivista Italiana di Ragioneria e di Economia Aziendale" (issue 314, 1993) and copy of proceedings issue
"L’influence de Bretton Woods sur l’intégration monétaire en Europe", offprint from "Bretton Woods: mélanges pour un cinquantenaire" plus its English and Italian versions
"Global Supervision: a Term in search of a Content", offprint from Banca Nazionale del Lavoro Quarterly Review, March 1998, plus its Italian version "Vigilanza globale : Un termine alla ricerca di un contenuto"
Offprint "Prima e dopo l’Euro", for TPS speech delivered in Venice on 9 March 2002 and copy of journal "Ateneo Veneto", issue 1 of 2002
Text of "The Euro Goes East", offprint from Comparative Economic Studies (2003) that a print of a lecture by TPS given in Dubrovnik on 29 June 2002
Issue of International Finance (summer 2004) containing TPS contribution "East-Asian Monetary Arrangements: A European Perspective"

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English, French, Italian

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