Press cuttings and scientific papers

Documents from [05/1973] to [1982]

Identity Statement

HAEU Reference Code
Reference Archivists

Bonini, Gherardo

Content and Structure


Press cuttings from different newspapers and magazines just like "L’Express", "Business Week", "L’Espresso", "The Economist", "La Repubblica", "La Stampa", "Financial Times", "Il Piccolo", "Le Monde", "Il Giornale", "Il Corriere della Sera", "International Herald Tribune"
"Central Banks and the State" by Barrett Whale, from The Manchester School of Economic and Social Studies, 1939
"Bureaucratic Theory and the Choice of Central Bank Goals" by Keith Acheson and John F. Chant, from Journal of Money, Credit and Banking, May 1973
"The Indipendence of the Federal Reserve System" by A. Burns, from Challenge, 1976
"The Indipendence of Central Banks", conference given by Lord O’Brien of Lothbury, December 1977
"Monetary Policy Instrumentation and the Relationship of Central Banks and Governments", from The Annals of the American Academy, November 1977
"Substitution in the International Monetary System" by Sir Joseph Gold, from Journal of International Law
"Rules, Discretion, and the Role of the Economic Advisor" by Robert Lucas, from Rational Expectations and Economic Policy
"The Indipendence of Central Banks" by Donald Fair, from The Banker, October 1979
"Rapporto Giannini sugli statali", from Il Mondo, December 1979
"Libro Aperto" Rivista di Idee Politiche, a I, n. 3, September/October 1980
"Money and Finance", from The Economist, November 1980
"The Japanese Lesson in Quality" by Robert Cole, from Technology Review, July 1981
"The Financing of Exports and Imports (Morgan Guaranty Trust Company, January 1980 Transatlantic Perspectives, issue of February 1982
The Brookings Review, issues of Winter 1982 and Winter/Spring 1982
"Politiques d’ajustement positives. Maîtriser le changement structurel (OECD, 1982)
The OECD Observer, issue of May 1982
"L’impasse della politica economica italiana" (Centro Europa Ricerche, Report n. 5, October 1982
"Developments in International Trade Policy" by Shailendra Anjaria, Zubair Iqbal, Naheed Kirmani and Lorenzo Perez, from International Monetary Fund Occasional Papers n. 16, November 1982
"I mercati dei capitali europei tra liberalizzazione e restrizioni" by TPS, from "Cordusio" Rassegna mensile del Credito italiano, n.12, December 1982
"Meno BOT sottoscritti dal pubblico" (Lettera SIGE, December 1982)
The Brookings Review, issue of Fall 1982

Conditions of Access and Use


English, French, Italian

Type of Archival Materials


Allied Materials


Notes and Remarks

Contains a study dated 1939

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