Reform's development

Documents from 01 December 1993 to 30 October 1996

Identity Statement

HAEU Reference Code
Reference Archivists

Bonini, Gherardo


Access Level
Closed Document, Open Description
Closed Until
1 Jan 2026

Content and Structure


Note coming from Italian Banking Association (ABI) on "Proposte in vista di una riforma dei mercati mobiliari" (July 1995)
Basic course on options
Technical note on "Sviluppo del mercato OTC su Titoli di Stato italiani"
Note about the opinion of Morgan Stanley on the reform of prime dealers
Note for TPS on the meeting with representatives of the ABI, SIA and CEDBORSA
Report on "Elaborare un progetto di riassetto in chiave privatistica del mercato mobiliare italiano"
Confidential note on "La concentrazione in Borsa degli scambi"(October 1996)
Article concerning "L’intermediazione mobiliare e le banche: la securities industry italiana dopo il recepimento della direttiva Eurosim"
Working document coming from Morgan Stanley on "European Government Bond Markets after EMU"
Note for TPS on "Compensazione e liquidazione delle operazioni su strumenti finanziari, derivati e non. Quadro di riferimento"

Conditions of Access and Use


English, Italian

Type of Archival Materials


Allied Materials

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