Documents from [1967] to [1972]Identity Statement
Meyer, Ruth Ingeborg
Content and Structure
Deals with the elaboration of the statutes of the Federalist International (FI) and contains minutes of meetings of the "Programmkommission der Europäischen Föderalistischen Parteien" (01-03/11/1968 and 04/01/1969) and of the "Statutenaussschuss der Föderalistische Internationale" (18/10/1970 and 03/04/1971) together with correspondence, numerous drafts ("Radweger Leitsätze" "Aktionsprogramme"), amongst the authors OM, H.F. Achimow, E. Verrijken, M Balzereit and M. Tacovsky and numerous handwritten notes and annotations by OM. The file comprises also press cuttings and machine typed essays collected by OM ("Der Föderalismus" and "Die Präsidialdemokratie" by M. Stendebach, "Volkswahl der Landeshauptleute und Bürgermeister" by F. Esterbauer, "Partnerschaft und Mitbestimmung in Wirtschaftsunternehmen" by I. Schneider and "Die Gliedstaaten der Union" by G. Heraud).
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English, French, German