Attitude de vote
Documents from [1981] to [1990]Identity Statement
Previti, Catherine
Content and Structure
Dossier de l'Agence Femmes information (AFI) "Qu'avons-nous fait du droit de vote?" (1981). Brochure "Waarom een vrouw stemmen zou", uitgave van de Emancipatieraad, 1982. "Feminine Electoral Abstentionism in Italy" par M. Weber (1982). Note de l'Associazione Nazionale Donne Elettrici (1982?). "Les paradoxes d'un scrutin: les citoyens de dix pays élisent le Parlement européen" par J.-R. Rabier (08/1984). "Changing Attitudes to the Role of Women in Ireland. Attitudes towards Moral Issues in Relation to Voting Behaviour in Recent Referenda" (07/1988). "The European Citizens' Interest in Politics and their Attitudes and Behaviour concerning the EC and the European Integration" par O. Niedermayer (10/1989)...
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Dutch, English, French, Italian