Speeches by GB: 2000 - 2003

Documents from [2000] to [2003]

Identity Statement

HAEU Reference Code
Reference Archivists

Meyer, Ruth Ingeborg

Content and Structure


File containing the following texts:

- 'EU Agenda for 2010: Priorities and Implications for the US' held on 10/02/2000 to the Conference of EU Centers in New York.
- "Wir brauchen so etwas wie eine neue Verwandtschaft zwischen der Neuen Welt und dem Neuen Europa". Interview published in 'EUmagazin' 5/2001
- 'The new Europe and the new Economy' held to the Dallas Committee on Foreign Relations on 12/09/2002.
- "New Yorker Wirtschaftsrunde. Sprechzettel" (28/03/2003).
- 'The State of the Transatlantic Relationship' held to Albuquerque Committee on Foreign Relations on 22/10/2003.
- 'An Indispensable Partnership?'. Address to the Santa Fe Council on International Relations on 23/10/2003.
- "Für eine 'Transatlantische Agenda 2010' - Überlegungen zur künftigen Entwicklung der Beziehungen zwischen den USA und der EU" [s.d.].
- "Die europäische Verfassungsdiskussion aus amerikanischer Perspektive" [s.d.].

Conditions of Access and Use


English, German

Type of Archival Materials


Allied Materials

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