Delegation of the European Commission to the United States in Washington

Identity Statement

HAEU Reference Code
Extent and Medium

76 files

Reference Archivists

Meyer, Ruth Ingeborg

Content and Structure


This series and its two subseries contain files created and arranged by GB covering the entire period of his term as Head of the Delegation (January 2000 - December 2004).
They have a monthly or bi-monthly running time and relate to the various events involving the Head of the Delegation (EU/US summits and meetings; ministerial, Senior level groups, EU/US Political Directors' Troika meetings; Heads of Mission of EU member States monthly meetings (HoMs); bilateral consultations; GB's meetings with US ministers, high ranked ufficials and his travels and visits throughout the US ...).

Conditions of Access and Use

Access Conditions

The 30 year rule governing access to the archives of the European Institutions applies to this series.
Possible copyrights for any document included in this archival collection must be respected. If there is any doubt, please refer to the consultation rules governing access to archival sources at the Historical Archives of the European Union or contact us directly at

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