05 - 06/2004

Document date: [2004]

Identity Statement

HAEU Reference Code
Reference Archivists

Meyer, Ruth Ingeborg


Access Level
Closed Document, Open Description
Closed Until
1 Jan 2034

Content and Structure


The file contains chronologically arranged reports and notes by GB, Head of the Delegation, relating to the G8 Foreign Ministers' meeting with George W. Bush on 14/05 and on the Heads of Mission's lunch with Condoleezza Rice (18/06).
It includes also the booklet of the requiem mass held for Ronald Reagan on 11/06 (with handwritten annotations by GB), the report by the European Commission's Secretariat General to COREPER on the G8 summit held in Sea Island from 08 to 10/06 and reports on the EU/US summit held at Dromoland Castle on 26/06.

Part of the file is also a collection of press cuttings, and statements and speeches by EU/US political leaders and public officials.

Conditions of Access and Use


English, German

Type of Archival Materials


Allied Materials

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