Bilateral high-level consultations: 1972

Document date: [1972]

Identity Statement

HAEU Reference Code
Reference Archivists

Meyer, Ruth Ingeborg

Content and Structure


Collection of notes, printed studies and press cuttings.

Amongst others, it contains:

- Note 'Monetary Relations between Europe and the US' (07/06) [s.a.].
- Note on the Transatlantic relations (21/09) [s.a.].
- Excerpts from press conference by Henry Kissinger held on 16/09.
- Notes by Washington Delegation:
-- EEC/US High-Level consultation 05 - 06/10 (13/10).
-- Ambassador Schaetzel expresses views on US-European Community relations (31/10).

Conditions of Access and Use


English, French, German

Type of Archival Materials


Physical Characteristics

Includes fax paper, conservation status to be revised.

Allied Materials

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