Revision of Eco-design working plan and methodology

Documents from [2008] to [2012]

Identity Statement

HAEU Reference Code
Physical Medium


Reference Archivists

Meyer, Ruth Ingeborg


Access Level
Closed Document, Open Description
Closed Until
1 Jan 2025

Content and Structure


The file a collection of studies, reports and handwritten notes relating to the implementation of Eco-design directive 20009/125/EC, notably to the extension to energy related products.

It contains, amongst others, the following reports:

- Evaluation of the Eco-design Directive (2009/125/EC). First finding report, Centre for Strategy and Evaluation Services (CSES), August - December 2011.
- Integration of resource efficiency and waste management criteria in the implementing measures under the Eco-design directive. Final executive summary by Institute for Environment ans Sustainability, September 2011.
- Evaluation of the Eco-design directive. ANEC (European Association for the Coordination of Consumer Representation in Standardisation)/BEUC responses to the questionnaire. 05/05/2011.
- Consumer interests in Eco-design (of energy-using products). ANEC/BEUC paper, 2008.

Conditions of Access and Use

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Possible copyright restrictions have to be respected.



Type of Archival Materials


Allied Materials

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