Meeting in Strasbourg on 05-06/11/1998

Documents from 24 August 1998 to 16 December 1998

Identity Statement

HAEU Reference Code
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Reference Archivists

Mathevon, Valerie; Meyer, Ruth Ingeborg

Content and Structure


The file contains: draft minutes of the meeting (Chairman: Jens Erik Fenstad), list of participants, draft agenda, correspondence, list of memberships PESC.
Working documents sent and distributed for the meeting include: PESC progress report to the 1998 Assembly, EUPRO report: Commission Decision of 22/10/98 on the creation of the European Research Forum [98/611/EC, Euratom] and Commission Decision of 22/10/98 setting up experts groups to assist the Commission on the content and orientation of the key actions in the field of research and technological development [98/610/EC, Euratom], draft report on the PESC Workig Group on Advanced Light Sources, press cuttings, notes, reports.

Topics discussed include: PESC’s mission, procedures, relations: PESC Chairmanship, review of PESC’s term 1995-1998 and Forward Look, reports from associated committees and external bodies related to PESC (CRAF in particular Framework agreement between European Science Foundation-CRAF and Motorola- Iridium, ESSC, NuPECC, EONSA, CERC3, EUPRO, EC/DG XII on the 5th FWP); ESF scientific strategic activities: ESF studies into Large Research Facilities (100 Tesla Science European Laboratory, European Neutron Sources studies, Synchrotron Radiation Needs and Capacities in Europe for the Biosciences, NuPECC’s recommendations towards a "Network of Complementary Facilities in Europe"), ESF-PESC Exploratory Workshops/Studies/Initiatives (Virtual Observatory: Advanced Methodologies for Data Handling, new approaches towards Advanced Light Sources, Bio-Informatics); ESF scientific programmes and networks in PESC domains among all procedures and call for proposals; EURESCO.

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