Preparatory notes

Documents from [1976] to [1982]

Identity Statement

HAEU Reference Code
Reference Archivists

Bonini, Gherardo

Content and Structure


Handwritten and typewritten notes
"Inflation-induced Distortions in Government and Private Saving Statistics", by Jeremy Siegel
"Inflation Accounting is not Economic Valuation"
"Sandilands and User Comprehension" by Thomas Alexander Lee
Press cuttings
"Relazioni tra copertura e formazione del disavanzo e spesa per interessi" by Ruggero Paladini
"Inflation Accounting and the Real Earnings of Italian Industrial Firms" by Giorgio Ragazzi
"Il ROI è reale anche in inflazione" by Claudio Demattè
"Sul controllo del credito in Italia" by Franco Bruni and Giorgio Ragazzi
"Considerazioni sul calcolo del credito totale interno" by Franco Bruni
"Una politica monetaria coraggiosa" by Giorgio Ragazzi
"Ipotesi di nuovi tipi di emissioni del Tesoro a medio e lungo termine" by Banca Commerciale Italiana "EEC Protectionism: Present Practice and Future Trends" by Michael Noelke and Robert Taylor
"Il nuovo nazionalismo economico" by Innocenzo Cipolletta

Conditions of Access and Use


English, Italian

Type of Archival Materials


Allied Materials

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