British Press Cuttings 27

Documents from [2002] to 31 August 2008

Identity Statement

HAEU Reference Code
Extent and Medium

1 file

Reference Archivists

Carr, Mary

Content and Structure


Mostly Daily Telegraph and Sunday Telegraph, also The Week, Financial World, Leicester Mercury, The Times, The Independent, Flying Angel News.
Subjects include: climate change, Russo-Georgian conflict and EU-Russia relations, pension, Spanair Flight 5022, Spanish economy, UK population, UK economy and strength of sterling, social mobility, privatisation of UK state assets, migration to the UK, credit crunch, recycling, break up of BAA, German economy, ETA bomb attacks on Costa del Sol, French dialects, US economy and strength of the dollar, bullfighting, French Front National, EU intelligence sharing, EDF and UK energy supplies, pesticides, anti-gipsy sentiment in Italy, Lisbon Treaty and Irish referendum, Regional Development Agencies, strength of the Euro, report on the Rwandan Genocide, 2012 London Olympics, conscription to Polish army, Common Agricultural Policy, Doha Development Round, Turkish constitutional crisis, Glasgow East by-election, protected geographical indication, diplomatic talks between Cyprus and Northern Cyprus, Sarkozy efforts to rewrite French constitution, arrest of Radovan Karadzic, Naples rubbish crisis, 2004 Madrid train bombings, uranium leak at Tricastin Nuclear Plant, music licensing, Polish shipyards, tobacco tax, EADS considering moving operations out of EU, Union for the Mediterranean, French wine, metric martyrs, Silvio Berlusconi, cost of air travel, MEP expenses, VAT, Irish economy, EU defence policy, health care in Europe, British Airways purchase of L’Avion, Sarkozy Mandelson row over EU subsidies, language teaching in UK, road safety, Scottish Labour Party, mobile phone regulation, small business reforms, eco-towns, detention of terrorism suspects, pesticides, European energy companies, fuel prices, alleged EON and Gaz de France market rigging, working hours, West Lothian Question, EU environmental policy, bombing of Danish Embassy in Islamabad, UN food summit in Rome, Eastern Partnership, business argument for EU expansion, post office closures, arrest of Francisco Peña, binge drinking, Green Belt land, elections in Serbia, bankers’ bonuses, EU maritime policy, organised crime in Bulgaria, EU embassies.
Also: IEA publication "Britain’s Relative Economic Performance 1870-1999" by Nicholas Crafts.

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