British Press Cuttings 3
Documents from 01 January 1999 to 31 December 1999Identity Statement
1 file
Carr, Mary
Content and Structure
Mostly: Daily Telegraph and Sunday Telegraph; also, The Independent, Evening Standard, The Times.
Subjects Include: Common Agricultural Policy (CAP), Farming, Fisheries, Vodafone, Eurozone, IMF, columns by Boris Johnson and Christopher Brooker, emigration within EU to Britian, European Council meeting in Helsinki, discussion on possible European army, European single currency, Euro conversion rates, birth and launch of the Euro, calls for greater integration, Bank of England, British Euroscepticism, London City, fraud row, corruption, Anglo-French beef row, Wolfgang Schauble, Gerhard Schroder Jean-Claude Trichet, Romano Prodi, William Hague, John Major, Robin Cooke, Gordon Brown, Tony Blair, Neil Kinnock, proposed accession of Turkey to the EU.
Also: Lloyds TSB leaflet "Your Guide to the Euro".
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