British Press Cuttings 8
Documents from 01 January 2002 to 30 June 2002Identity Statement
1 file
Carr, Mary
Content and Structure
Mostly Daily Telegraph, Sunday Telegraph, also The Times, Daily Mail, Financial World.
French wine, pesticide spraying, manufacturing trade, exchange rates, economy, CAP, farming, fisheries, banana crisis, Euroscepticism, Portugal, obit for Vince Carey, Alan Greenspan, Pierre Werner, Gordon Brown, Gibralator, David Blunkett, asylum agreement between Britain and France, Sangatte, refugees, immigration, Seville Summit, beef boycott, ETA ban under new terror law, International criminal court, Britain and the Euro, Pedro Solbes, Edmund Stoiber, retail, employment law, French budget deficit, inflation, EU deficit, European airline strikes, strikes in France, general strike in Italy, Silvio Berlusconi, French General Election, pub, licencing laws, US stockmarket, IMF, expansion of EU, Czech Republic and Sudeten Germans, debates on Britain joining the Euro, Robert Mugabe at Paris food summit, property, Marine Le Pen, Tricet appointed head of ECB, Jean-Marie Le Pen accusations of torture, Islamic terrorists in Belgium, rise of right wing parties across Europe, Pim Fortuyn, Le Pen, Bush visit to France, Bush on Europe and war on terror, oil, Gordon Brown, issues about further European integration, Gibraltar, anti-Semitism.
Includes: Booklet ‘ Your Simple guide to the Eur’ The Post Office.
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