British Press Cuttings 5
Documents from [12/1997] to 31 December 2000Identity Statement
1 file
Carr, Mary
Content and Structure
Subjects include: Fishing quotas, European integration, BSE, strength of Euro and adoption across EU, proposal for UK to join Euro, UK economy and strength of sterling, fuel prices, Blue Flag beaches, French Presidency of EU, Nafta, Greece fined for non-compliance with toxic waste regulations, Jörg Haider and EU sanctions against Austria, UK and US espionage in Europe, rigging of Paris mayoral elections, English regionalism, food labelling, standardisation of measurements (metric over imperial), German Christian Democratic Party, Tradepoint merger with SWX, Vodafone-Mannesmann merger, flying of the Union flag, the Queen Mother’s 100th birthday, German economy, European Human Rights Convention, Dresdener Bank-Commerzbank merger, automotive industry, Far-Right in Europe, proposed merger of London Stock Exchange with Deutsche Borse, agricultural subsidies, language teaching, Irish economy, plans to save rural post offices, "European Project on the sun", property development on the Mediterranean coast, UK agricultural crisis, British Overseas Territories, perceived BBC pro-Europe bias, Hurricane Mitch, Galileo satellite project, Challenger 2 tanks, European Commission competition case re Microsoft vs Sun Microsystems, plans to educate school children about the EU, Prodi Commission, swine fever and EU ban on import of British pigs, Radovan Karadzic, British art market, "crown jewel" sporting events, Danish Euro referendum, energy prices, German immigration law reform, EU dangerous dog controls, Special Areas of Conservation, Corsican Nationalism, London Stock Exchange takeover bid by OM Gruppen, HACCP food safety procedures, US economy, illegal immigration from Africa to Spain, European anti-fraud office, Deutsche Telekom, strikes in France and fuel protests, perceived press Euro-scepticism, Gurkha veterans, Conservative party manifesto, plans to reduce number of foreign residents in Switzerland, urban regeneration, restoration of Berlin, VAT on bridge tolls, economic sanctions against Yugoslavia, supply of contraceptives to Africa, World Economic Forum in Prague, French presidential terms, Chirac corruption allegations, alleged French industrial espionage in UK, tax havens, EMI-Time Warner merger, European Rapid Reaction Force, British National Identity, Czech entry into the EU, Yasser Arafat, race relations in Britain, Lionel Jospin’s premiership, money laundering, Berlin mayoral elections, EU social directives, Eurojust, EU national veto, Eurofighter, EU expansion, French policy on Iraq, US Presidential election, relations within the Labour Cabinet, Kyoto Agreement, Tony Blair’s meeting with Vladimir Putin in Moscow , Margaret Thatcher, Nice Summit, euthanasia laws, football transfer fees, UKIP, immigration, Japanese economy, Baia Mare cyanide spill, human rights in Turkey, allegations of corruption against Loyola de Palacio, research into cloning, French economy, Greek national debt
Also: Lloyds TSB Small Business briefing pamphlet "The Single European Currency: Dealing with the euro"
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