British Press Cuttings 9
Documents from 01 July 2002 to 31 December 2002Identity Statement
1 file
Carr, Mary
Content and Structure
Mostly Daily Telegraph and Sunday Telegraph, also Times, Daily Mail, Leicester Mercury.
EU expansion, EU economy, worldwide economy, illegally importing bananas, EU federalisation, Euro referendum, Gerhard Schroder, Nice Treaty and referendum (Ireland), farmers, Foot and Mouth, CAP, immigration, Turkey , relationship between Tony Blair and Gordon Brown, Swedish vote on the Euro, fishing, race in Belgium [Arab], EU defence, growth of the right-wing, Silvio Berlusconi, French torturers in Algerian War, Franco- German relations, German economy, French – British relations, beef, German economy, ‘war on terror’, Gulf War II, ETA, trade unions, Edmund Stoiber, flooding across Europe, Euro-American relations.
Includes: Booklet ‘Confused about the Euro? Well answer your questions.
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