Statutory Meetings
Documents from [1959] to [1975]Identity Statement
Meyer, Ruth Ingeborg
Content and Structure
File contains preparatory correspondence, list of participants and minutes of statutory meetings (notably the "Zentralbüro") held mostly in Vienna on the follwing dates:
1959: 18/09.
1960: 01/10 and 30/12.
1961: 21/02, 06/03, 31/05, 05 and 13/10, 02 and 21/11, 01 and 18/12.
1962: 02, 12, 20 and 29/03, 09/04, 12 and 22-23/05, 23-24/06, 20/07, 26 and 29/10, 22-23 and 26/11, 08, 14 and 20/12.
1963: 23 - 24/06 (1st general assembly) and 27/09.
1964: 23 - 24/05.
1965: 11/05 and from 20 to 21/11.
1966: 28/04, 22/06 and 07/09.
1967: 01 and 31/03, 27/05 (2nd general assembly), 02/06 and 09/09.
1970: 07/02, 17/03, 21/05, 15/09, 06/10 and 07/11.
1971: 12/08, 07 and 14/09, 29/10 and 20/11 (3d general assembly).
1972: 13/01, 18/02, 10/04, 04/07, 04/08 and 22/09 (agenda only).
1973: 10/04 (agenda only), 30/06, 29/09 (agenda only) and 17/11.
1975: 14/02 and 23/02 (agenda only).
1976: 01/03 (4th general assembly) (agenda only).
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Allied Materials
No documents for 1968, 1969 and 1974.