Euro Citizen II

Documents from [10/1987] to [01/1993]

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Reference Archivists

Carr, Mary


Administrative and Biographical History

Karel De Gucht was the rapporteur of the Institutional Affairs Committee of the European Parliament charged with reforming the electoral law of the EP. He drafted a proposal under Art. 138 of the Treaty of Rome
On 1 March, Lord Bonham-Carter introduced the EP Electoral Reform Bill in the House of Lords. Bill sought to amend the original legislation of 1978 and establish 91) that elections should be held by proportional representation, (2) that there should be multi-member regional constituencies, and 930 that the electoral system used should be the Single Transferable Vote (also called the Bonham Carter Bill).

Content and Structure


File concerns lobby organised with the support of the Joseph Rowntree Reform Trust for electoral reform in the European Parliament (EP). Includes: Letters lobbying for change in the EP voting system, pamphlets, leaflets and circular newsletters, in particular with regards to the Labour Campaign and Liberal Democrat campaign for electoral reform
Correspondence on Judge/Rapporteur Schockweiler Report
Material concerning the campaign headed by Duff on behalf of the Liberal Democrats to push through electoral reform in the EP with press statements, circular letters to members, etc
European Court of Justice oral procedure, Case C-41/92 – Liberal Democrats v. European Parliament with correspondence between Duff and the legal team. Observations and submissions of the Liberal Democrats concerning the preliminary objections of inadmissibility lodged by the EP
Correspondence between Duff and Karel De Gucht, MEP
Liberal Democrats press briefings and circular letters on the Uniform Electoral System.
Memorandum by Duff "Electoral Reform of the European Parliament," 23 April 1992
Copy of European Parliament Reform Bill proposed by Lord Bonham Carter
Oral procedure on the question of admissibility in the case Liberal Democrats v. European Parliament (Case 41/92)
Article for Electoral Reform Society by Andrew Duff "PR for 1994"
Memo from Derek Prag, MEP, to all members of the British Section of the EPP concerning the uniform electoral procedure on the adoption of the de Gucht report on UEP for European elections, with some necessary amendments, by the Institutional Committee on 25 November 1992
Press cutting of Duff giving the update on electoral reform, sharing news of the vote for the De Gucht proposals and providing information on the debate to be voted at the plenary session in the EP, with a copy of the resolution
Information note on the process of litigation in the European Court of Justice, taken by the Liberal Democrats versus the EP (marked confidential - removed until further notice)
Submissions in reply to the objection of inadmissibility submitted on behalf of the Liberal Democrats in CASE C-41/92, the Liberal Democrats v European Parliament
Note on recent developments sent by Duff to interested individuals on the case progress.
Editorial by Emanuele Gazzo, Vice Président, Agence Europe « National Elections and « globalisation » of systems – electoral procedures
Testimonial of Willy De Clercq, President of the Federation of the European Liberal and Democrat and Reform Parties, writing in support of the case brought by the UK lib democrats against the European Parliament for alleged failure to act to initiative proposals for a uniform electoral procedure
Note on the progress of the litigation against the EP on failure to act on the initiation of proposals for a uniform electoral procedure, 13/01/92
Draft letter to Portuguese PM Anibal Cavaco Silva (President–in–office of the Council) on electoral reform of the EP: unless the EP elections in 1994 are fought based on proportional representation, the Liberal Democrats will fail to win any MEPs
Report on the opinion of some British Labour Party leaders against the idea of electoral reform, such as Neil Kinnock
Liberal Democrats circular news letter "Fair Votes for 1994?"
Note accompanied by handwritten notes: "Pursuing Electoral Reform of the European Parliament Through Litigation: A Plan"
Submission by Duff to Prof. Raymond Plant, Chairman of the Labour Party Working party on electoral systems, 13/8/91
Handwritten notes on EP debate on De Gucht Report
A memorandum on The Electoral Reform of the European Parliament by Andrew Duff, June 1990
Proposition de résolution intérimaire sur Les orientations du Parlement européen relatives au projet de procédure électorale uniforme pour les membres du Parlement européen
Article by David Millar, formerly Director of Research, Secretariat General of the EP: "A Uniform Electoral Procedure for European Elections"

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