Euro Citizen I

Documents from [02/1990] to [12/1991]

Identity Statement

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HAEU Reference Code
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Reference Archivists

Carr, Mary


Administrative and Biographical History

Karel De Gucht was the rapporteur of the Institutional Affairs Committee of the European Parliament charged with reforming the electoral law of the EP. He drafted a proposal under Art. 138 of the Treaty of Rome
On 1 March, Lord Bonham-Carter introduced the EP Electoral Reform Bill in the House of Lords. Bill sought to amend the original legislation of 1978 and establish 91) that elections should be held by proportional representation, (2) that there should be multi-member regional constituencies, and 930 that the electoral system used should be the Single Transferable Vote. (also called the Bonham Carter Bill)

Content and Structure


File concerning European Parliament electoral reform, includes a memorandum by Andrew Duff, "The Electoral Reform of the European Parliament," which he sent to peers to garner support for the vote, with copies of cover letters and both negative and positive reactions for the first and second readings of the Bill.
List of British peers contacted by Duff on reform
Liberal Democrats Press Release on the Bill to Reform the electoral law of the European Parliament given First Reading in the House of Lords
Press notice "Lords Report on Economic and Monetary Union and Political Union", November 1990
Signatories to the Statement of the Campaign for European Democracy
Rapport de Karel De Gucht "Proposition du Parlement européen relatives au projet de procédure électorale uniforme pour les membres du Parlement européen", 21/3/90
Booklets and election manifestos produced by the European Liberal, Democratic, and Reform Parties (ELDR) calling for a citizens’ Europe
Copies of "Crocodile"
Note by Duff on "The Treaty of European Union" and a briefing note on the draft Treaty on Political Union [for Summit of foreign ministers in Brussels 2-3 December 1991]
Note by James Knight "The Single Transferable Vote in Elections to the European Parliament" 14 June 1984

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