ICTY – Speeches by Cassese
Documents from [1994] to [1997]Identity Statement
1 file
Becherucci, Andrea; Carr, Mary; Rapini, Elisa
Content and Structure
Discours à l’Assemblée générale des Nations Unies, 14 novembre 1994
Toast to Mr B. Boutros-Ghali by Antonio Cassese, 21/1/94
Statement to the Council of Europe Committee of Ministers, 9/9/93 by Cassese, outgoing President of the Committee for the Prevention of Torture
Nuremberg Speech I "Containing State Power"- Utopia and Reality", 24/9/97
Nuremberg Speech II "The ICTY – A tentative Stock-Taking from Inside", 25/9/97
Speech by Cassese at the inauguration ceremony of new judges (public sitting of ICTY), 17/11/97
Discours prononcé par le secrétaire général de l’organisation des nations unies devant les membres du tribunal international charge de poursuivre les personnes présumés responsables de violations graves du droit international humanitaire commises sur le territoire de l’ex-Yougoslavie depuis 1991, The Hague, 21/1/94
Memorandum from Cassese to the Judges of the International Tribunal on Trial by Default, The Hague, 21/01/94
Speech to the Council of Foreign Ministers of the EU, Brussels, 26/02/96
Speech for visit of Madeleine Albright (never used), 28/5/97
Eulogy for Judge Li Haopei [14/11/97]
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