Positions des confédérations syndicales sur la composition de la Cour de justice.

Documents from [08/1958] to 12 November 1958

Identity Statement

HAEU Reference Code
Original Reference Code
CM2 CEE, CEEA.1958.00548.001
Physical Medium

Microfiche, Paper

Reference Archivists

Carr, Mary

Content and Structure


Documents divers concernant la réponse à une lettre commune de la CISL et de la CISC relative à la composition de la Cour de justice, août/novembre 1958

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Electronic Record

[C 10/58;fr;de];[885/58;fr;de];[1129/58;fr;de]

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Type of Archival Materials


Allied Materials

Existence of Copies
Central Archives of the Council of the European Union

Microfiches and/or electronic copies of the documents can be consulted at the Council's archives in Brussels.