Pat Cox - 14

Documents from [05/2003] to [06/2003]

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HAEU Reference Code
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Reference Archivists

Carr, Mary

Content and Structure


20/5: Pat Cox on decision of Swedish PM Göran Persson to hold referendum on Euro
22/5: Criticism by former Finnish PM, Paavo Lipponen of Valéry Giscard d'Estaing's, President of the Convention of the handling of Convention: not helpful in ensuring equality between large and small member states. Need for strong Commission
22/5: Cox meeting with Finnish PM, Anneli Jäätteenmäki on Convention
26/5: Friends of Europe lunch: communication problems
28/5: Meeting between Cox and "Financial Times" journalists, George Parket and Tobias Buck on the Members' Statute and MEP's travel expenses
3/6: Cox meeting with Rocco Buttiglione, Italian Europe Minister: bring IGC to a successful conclusion is priority during Italian presidency. Lack of mention of Christian values in the Convention
4/6: Cox speaks on Member's Statute: European values
5-6/6: Paris - Cox meetings with various French politicians including PM Jean-Pierre Raffarin, Noëlle Lenoir, Europe Minister and President Jacques Chirac on reaching a compromise solution on the Convention to avoid having a referendum on the Constitutional Treaty in France. Chirac says that can't have unbalanced institutions.
10/6: Cox discussion with Nigel Sheinwald, British Ambassador to the EU: possibility of referendum on Constitution in UK? Sheilwald says that in principle the UK closer to joining the Euro zone than ever before

Other matters of importance emerged during talks: European elections – question of legitimacy and problem of turnout: downward trend in Western democracy and need for political elite to be closer to the voters. Campaigning for EP elections: situation in various member countries. G8, EU defence, common interests of NATO and EU

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