Pat Cox - 7

Documents from [06/2002] to [09/2002]

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Carr, Mary

Content and Structure


18/06: Seville European Council: objectives - reuniting Europe, partnership for efficiency, transparency and dialogue, asylum and immigration. Alistair Campbell, political consultant, on Members' Statute and EURO
19/06: BBC interview: human trafficking. Need for politically led and strategically conceived partnership. Future of European Parliament (EP)
20/06: Meeting Joe Klein and Cox: social justice. Extremism and immigration link
20/6: Cox/Lib Press Conference: illegal immigrants. Irish neutrality
24/6 Press Conference – Danish PM, Anders Fogh Rasmussen and Cox: EP key player in decision making process in EU. Copenhagen ’93 to Copenhagen ‘02
1/7: New York & Washington: Turkey - Cyprus, International Criminal Court (ICC), European Parliament, EURO, trade
3/7: Rasmussen Press Conference: UN efforts on Cyprus have best chance to succeed. Follow-up on Seville conclusions. EP reform. Immigration. UN peacekeeping in Bosnia. EU sees ICC as progressive element in international law
3/7: Cox interviewed by Susan Swain, C-Span: Euro, Convention, ICC, food policy, European defence – CFSP and defence
8/7: Richard Ryan, Irish Ambassador to UN: US concerns on ICC
9/7: Cox dinner with Gunther Burghardt, EU Ambassador and Madeline Albright, former Secretary of State on US foreign policy and its sense of self-sufficiency
10/7: Cox in Washington: Meeting with Dick Cheney, Vice-President EU-US relations
10/7: Meeting Cox and Jim Clancy, CNN journalist on growing rift EU-US. European opinion of Bush
18/7: Discussion between Cox and Dennis Hastert, Speaker of the US House of Representatives: transatlantic relations and need for dialogue
3/9: Cox meeting with Ana Palacio, Spanish foreign Minister: Banning of Henri Batasuna (political group)
5/9: Cox meeting with Bertelsmann Stiftung Foundation on transparency
19/9: Cox interviewed by journalists of "Financial Times" including George Parker

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