Speeches held by Danuta Hübner (01 - 10/2003)

Documents from [01/2003] to [10/2003]

Identity Statement

HAEU Reference Code
Reference Archivists

Meyer, Ruth Ingeborg

Content and Structure


The file contains the following texts:

- "Enlargment and the European Constitutional Process" held on 31.01 at the Europfean Centre in Natolin.
- "Governing the Wieder Europe" held on 28/05 at the Charlemagne Forum on Europe in Aachen.
- "Konwent w sprawie przyszlosci Unii Europejskiej - na ostatniej prostej" held on 02.06.
- "Rola Konwentu Europejskiego w przygotowaniu projektu Traktatu Konstytucyjnego" held on 01.09.
- "The IG and the Future of Europe" held on 08.09 at the College of Europe John Locke Promotion in Natolin.
- "After the Convention, before the IGC: an ever closer Union?" held on 19.09 at the Centrum Stosunków Międzynarodowych (CSM) and Adenauer Foundation Symposium in Warsaw.
- "Podejmowanie decyzji w rozszerzonej Unii Europejskiej" held on 03.10 to Podczas Forum 'Konstytucja dla Europy' in Warsaw.

Text without date and/or place:

- "On the future of the Union and Europeans".

Conditions of Access and Use


English, Polish

Allied Materials

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