Speeches held by Danuta Hübner (01 - 03/2003)

Documents from [2003] to [03/2003]

Identity Statement

HAEU Reference Code
Reference Archivists

Meyer, Ruth Ingeborg

Content and Structure


The file contains the following texts:

- "The future of the European Union - polish perspective" held on 07/01 in Natolin.
- "Negocjacje - przebieg i wyniki" held on 08/01 [s.l.].
- "Aktualny stan prac nad traktatem Konstytucyjnym w konwencie europejskim" held on 16/01 in Krąków.
- "Ku nowym zadaniom poszerzonej Unii europejskiej" held on 23/01 at Belweder.
- Speech held at Liceum Ogólnokształcącego im. Bartosza on 24/01.
- "Polska na drodze do członkostwa w Unii Europejski" held on 24/01 [s.l.].
- "The perceived role of the convention in applicant countries" held on 25/01 in Łódź.
- Two speeches held on 27/01 [s.l.].
- Speech held on 30/01 [s.l.].
- "Rola administracji samorządowej i uczelni wyższych w procesie integracji polski z unia europejska" held on 03/02 in Szczecin.
- "Przyszłość rolnictwa w poszerzonej UE" held on 08/02 in Warsaw [handwritten version only].
- "Western integration" held on 15/02 in Krąków.
- "Przebieg i wyniki negocjacji o członkostwo RP w UE" held on 15/02 [s.l.].
- Statement to the Euromoney Bond Investors Conference" held on 18/02 in London.
- "Political instabilities in Europe - repercussions on European integration and governance and on transatlantic relations" held on 20 – 21/02 at VIII Zavikon conference in Dresden
- "Effective management in the enlarged European Union" held on 20/02 [s.l.].
- Intervention to the Centre for European Policy Studies (CEPS) International advisory board meeting held on 21/02 in Brussels.
- "The future of the European Union – the Polish point of view" held on 24/02 in Berlin.
- "Reform and enlargement: the political framework" held on 25/02 in Frankfurt.
- "Działania informacyjne UKIE w przededniu referendum dotyczącego członkostwa Polki w Unii Europejskiej" held on 05/03.
- "Model gospodarczy Unii Europejskiej. Debata na forum Konwentu" held on 06/03 in Katowice.
- "Sukces jest rodzaju żeńskiego. Równy status kobiet I mężczyzn" held on 07/03 in Rzeszów.
- Speech to plenary session of "Konferencji Episkopatu Polski" held on 11/03 in Warsaw.
- "Twoja firma w Europie" held on 12/03 in Warsaw.
- "Studenci w Unii Europejskiej" held on 14/03 in Warsaw.
- "Quo vadis Europo?" held on 15/03 in Gniezno.
- "The convention and governing European diversity" held on 24/03 in London.

Conditions of Access and Use


English, Polish

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