Speeches held by Danuta Hübner (04 - 11/2003)
Documents from [04/2003] to [11/2003]Identity Statement
Meyer, Ruth Ingeborg
Content and Structure
The file contains the following texts:
- Speech held on 02/04 in Warsaw.
- "Could more information on the EU policies tackle the democratic deficit?" held on 03/04 in Brussels.
- "Korzyści z członkostwa RP W Unii europejskiej" held on 05/04 in Krąków.
- "Czy państwa narodowe znika? " held on 05/04 in Warsaw.
- "Reforma instytucjonalna w przyszłej Unii Europejskiej" held on 07/04 at Belweder.
- "W poszukiwaniu duszy Europy" held on 10/04 in Warsaw.
- Debata o przyszłości UE - model cywilizacyjny tożsamość europejska" held on 10/04 in Lublin.
- "Leisure and heritage" held on 14/04 [s.d.].
- "Polska w przeddzień akcesu unijnego" held on 15/04 to Bank Gospodarki Żywnościowej.
- "Model dla Europy" held on 26/04 in Lublin.
- "Przystąpienie do Unii Europejskiej a interes narodowy" held on 27/04 in New York.
- "The role of Poland in the future European Union" held on 28/04 in New Britain.
- Speech held on 01/08 [s.l.] [handwritten version only].
- "A challenge of the Lisbon strategy. The Polish perspective". Held on 11/09 in Warsaw.
- "Will enlargement save the European Union?" and dinner speech held on 25/09 in Tokyo.
- "Poland and the future of the European Union" and dinner speech held on 22/10 in Barcelona.
- "A new era of opportunity in Poland" held on 07/11 in Brussels.
- "What do the new members expect of the EU and what will they contribute?" held on 13/11 in Berlin.
Texts without date and/or place:
- "Rozwój Unii Europejskiej – polski punkt widzenia".
- "Germany’s European role: a bridgehead for enlargement and economic reform"
- "Integracja europejska jako czynnik rozwoju regionalnego"
- "Poland and the European Union".
- "The accession deal: consequences for new members" held to Vienna Institute for International Economic Studies.
- Three handwritten texts.
Conditions of Access and Use
English, Polish