Chrono DG - WTO

Document date: [07/2010]

Identity Statement

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HAEU Reference Code
Reference Archivists

Previti, Catherine


Access Level
Closed Document, Open Description
Closed Until
1 Jan 2040

Content and Structure


- China, 20-24/07 e.g. : Meeting with Chinese VP Wang Qishan and MOFCOM Chen Deming ; Shanghai Expo 2010, 22/07 : Speeches e.g. 'China and the WTO : A Partnership for Good' ; Launch of the WTR 2010 Trade in Natural Resources – Address ; Launching ceremony for a WTO Chair at the Songjiang Campus, 23/07 – Speech ; 'Some Notes on my recent trip to China' by C. Grant from Centre for European Reform (07/2010).
- Varia : G20 Sherpa meeting in Korea, 22/07 ; 16th Session of CTD, 19/07 – Speech ; Dinner in honour of the South African Parliament, 19/07 – Speech ; GPA – mail (20/07) ; Breakfast with UNSG Ban Ki-moon, 19/07 ; Workshop on Monitoring and Evaluation of A4T, 19/07 – Remarks by P. Lamy ; Joint WHO / WIPO / WTO Symposium on Access to Medicines, 16/07 – Address ; Meeting with US Chamber of Commerce, 15/07 ; Meeting with MEP Muscardini on marking of origin, 15/07 ; Rencontre avec L. Stoléru en vue de la présidence française du G20, 14/07.

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English, French

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