Chrono DG - WTO

Document date: [06/2010]

Identity Statement

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HAEU Reference Code
Reference Archivists

Previti, Catherine


Access Level
Closed Document, Open Description
Closed Until
1 Jan 2040

Content and Structure


Informal TNC meeting for HoDs – Chairman’s Remarks [JOB/TNC/3] (11/06) and [C-TNC] (10/06) ; Meeting with Saudi Arabian Amb., 10/06 ; Meeting with Middle Grounders, 10/06 ; Meeting with Amb. of China, India and Brazil, 09/06 (Annexes : Meetings 15/03/2010 and 09/12/2009) ; GCF, 09/06 – Speech ; Breakfast with G90 Coordinators, 09/06 ; Meeting with Indonesian MRT, 07/06 ; APEC Ministerial retreat in Sapporo, Japan, 05/06 – e.g. Speech 'Overview of the DDA and Recent Trade Developments', meetings e.g. with MRT of Korea, Chinese Taipei and Russian Federation, 05/06 ; Crise financière grecque – Mails (02-03/06) ; Meeting with LDC Group on UN LDC, 08/04 ; Meeting Korea Chief Negotiator, 03/06 ; Déjeuner avec UNAIDS, 01/06 ; Conversation avec l’économiste J. Pisani Ferry, 01/06.

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English, French

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