Chrono DG - WTO

Document date: [01/2010]

Identity Statement

Created By
HAEU Reference Code
Reference Archivists

Previti, Catherine


Access Level
Closed Document, Open Description
Closed Until
1 Jan 2040

Content and Structure


Meeting with Amb. of Pakistan, 15/01 ; WTO / International Council on Human Rights Colloquium on Human Rights in the Global Economy, 13/01 – Speech ; Google withdraw from Chinese market – Note from Cabinet (14/01) ; Meeting with Masset DG Mondialisation au MAE, 13/01 ; Collège européen de Parme, 11/01 – Speech 'Gouverner l’interdépendance' ; Audition au Parlement européen, 08/01 ; Consultation on GI Extension and TRIPS/CBD, 09/12.

Conditions of Access and Use


English, French

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