Jugend ohne Vorurteil?
Document date: [1967]Identity Statement
1 digitised films
Alonso Fernandez, Juan
Content and Structure
In Europe, many conflicts and wars were often caused by mutual preconception and misunderstandings. These prejudices can already be proven in children's and school textbooks. The film illustrates the meaning and purpose done by the ‘International Textbook Institute – Textbook Centre of the Council of Europe’ (now ‘Georg Eckert Institute for International Textbook Research’ in Braunschweig), on the revision of history and geography textbooks. Researchers analyse these school manuals according to recent historiography and principles of modern didactics. The traditional division in "them" and "us" should have no relevance in a modern European society based on openness, respect and tolerance. At the new established European Schools, the didactic concept of a joint education will be directly tested. Similarly, European school partnerships will help us to overcome national prejudices. The film uses irony and animation techniques to make its statement more effective.
Production Country: Germany
Film Production Company: Franck-Film-Produktion
Commissioning Institution: Council of Europe / Bundeszentrale für politische Bildung
Director: Herbert M. Franck
Producer: Unknown
Script: Gisela Withake
Cinematography: Horst Nagel
Animation: Rudi M. Franck / Theo Windges
Film Editing: Unknown
Academic Advisor: Jost Enseling
Technical Information
Original Film Format: 35 mm
Duration: 13 minutes
Colour: Black & White
European History, European Education, Council of Europe, Animation
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Due to copyright restrictions, consultation of the films is only permitted on the premises of the HAEU. Some items might be available online. Please follow the provided links in the field "Existence of Copies".
The HAEU does not own rights to the films. Copyright or other restrictions applying to the material should be assessed by the user. Any copyright violations resulting from the use of documents held at the Historical Archives are solely the user’s responsibility. More about copyright
Allied Materials
Deutsches Filminstitut & Filmmuseum, Frankfurt/Main
The film was digitised from the copy located at the Deutsches Filminstitut & Filmmuseum, Frankfurt/Main
Bruch, Anne & Clemens, Gabriele: «Wie Phoenix aus der Asche» – Die filmische (Re)Konstruktion des Europäers, in: Gabriele Clemens (ed.): Werben für Europa. Die mediale Konstruktion europäischer Identität durch Europafilme, Paderborn: Schöningh 2016, pp.489-506.