Inquisition: Workshop proposal
Documents from [02/1979] to 07 February 1983Identity Statement
Mathevon, Valerie; Meyer, Ruth Ingeborg
Content and Structure
The file contains documents on the proposal: proposal, reports notably the report on the workshop on European Inquisition (Madrid, 15/10/1979); correspondence, notes, minutes (also handwritten), draft agenda, results, and feedback on the group of experts meeting to discuss European Co-operation in Inquisition Studies (Paris, 29/09-01/10/1980).
It also contains the following papers: "El Banco de Datos del Santo Oficio: Las relaciones de causas de la Inquisicion espanola (1550-1700)" by Gustav Henningsen ; "Les filets de l’Inquisition: Les archives du Saint-Office de Tolède comme source pour l’ethnologie historique" by Jean-Pierre Dedieu, "16000 Jutland Judgments : A case-typology analysis of Hofman-Bang’s register of the Viborg Landsting Court Rolls, 1569-1805" by Gustav Henningsen, Jens Chr.V Johansen and Ditlev Tamm.
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Danish, English, Spanish