European Centre on the Bible: Proposal (1978 –1981)
European Centre on the Bible: Proposal (1978 –1981)
Documents from 12 January 1978 to 25 March 1981
Identity Statement
Mathevon, Valerie; Meyer, Ruth Ingeborg
Content and Structure
The file contains the background material for the proposal such as papers: «Sur une bibliothèque systématiquement pillée par les nazis – Le catalogue des manuscrits et incunables retrouvés de la Bibliothek des Juedisch-Theologischen Seminars in Breslau» by Gérard E. Weil; «Concordance de la cantilation du Pentateuque et des cinq megillot» by Gérard E. Weil, P. Rivière and M. Serfaty; correspondance on the collaboration France-Nederland the translation of the bible; correspondance and note on the Ancient Biblical Manuscript Centre for Preservation and Research; Project on Etablissement de l’"Elenchus Bibliographicus Biblicus en tant que base de données rétrospectives puis mise à jour périodique"; extract of «The international directory of manuscripts collections, libraries, private collections, repositories and archives»; Newsletter on the Colloquium «La traduction de la Bible en français: histoire, méthodes et instruments de références» (Nancy, 10-12/10/1977).
It also contains candidature letter, correspondence, proposal letter and proposals for a European Documentation Centre for Bible studies; note on meeting (Nancy, 30/06), note on the Research situation at the CATAB (Centre d’analyse et de traitement automatique de la Bible et des traditions écrites); Feedbacks from the Member organisations.
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English, French