Documents from [02/1999] to [03/2004]Identity Statement
Bonini, Gherardo
Content and Structure
"Options for China’s financial system", a panel discussion chaired by Tommaso Padoa-Schioppa with Edgar Meister, Akira Nagashima, Roberto Zahler, John Heimann, Xie Ping and Dai Genyou published in "Strenghtening the banking system in China: issues and experience" (A joint BIS/PBC conference held in Beijing on 1/2 March 1999)
"EMU and the launch of the euro", speech delivered at the Academy of Social Sciences held in Beijing on 2 March 1999
"Una speranza di nome Euro", in "L’uomo e il denaro" in "Nuntium", rivista quadrimestrale della Pontificia Università Lateranense, a. III, n. 7, March 1999
"The euro significance for Europe and beyond", speech delivered at the Committee on Financial Affairs of the House of Councillors held in Tokyo on 9 March 1999
"The external representation of the euro area", introductory statement at the Sub-Committee on Monetary Affairs of the European Parliament, Brussels, 17 March 1999
"EMU and banking supervision", lecture delivered at the London School of Economics financial markets group on 24 February 1999, published in "International Finance", March 22, 1999
"Competition, co-operation, public action: three necessary drivers for European Financial integration", dinner speech for the launching of the workshop of the ECB-CFS research network on "Capital markets and financial integration in Europe" held in Frankfurt on 29 April 2002
"Explaining the Euro to a Washington audience", lecture delivered at the George Washington University School of Business and Public Management on 28 April 1999 as part of the Distinguished Lecture Series, Group of Thirty, Occasional Paper n. 64, Washington, 2001, plus copies of offprint "Comment expliquer l'Euro à Washington"
"Securities and banking: bridges and walls", lecture delivered at the London School of Economics financial markets group on 21 January 2002, plus copies of published in Special Paper Series n. 136, March 2002
"L’euro in prospettiva storica", offprint by "Il Mulino" edition, 1/2002
"Tommaso Padoa-Schioppa. Un civil servant di classe europea", interview published in "Protagonisti del cambiamento. 14 storie di successo", May 2002
"Self vs public discipline in the financial field", lecture delivered at the London School of Economics financial markets Group on 20 May 2002
"Strategia per la grande incompiuta" in "Nuntium", rivista quadrimestrale della Pontificia Università Lateranense, n. 17, June 2002
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English, German, Italian