Triffin 21 Initiative for a mondial currency unit

Documents from [2005] to [2010]

Identity Statement

HAEU Reference Code
Reference Archivists

Bonini, Gherardo

Content and Structure


"Thoughts on reforming the international monetary system and enhancing the role of SDR" by Hu Xiaolian
"The international monetary fund and regulatory challenges" by Edwin M. Truman
"Toward a new international monetary system" by Michel Camdessus
"The debate on the international monetary system" by Isabelle Mateos y Lago, Ruta Duttagupta, Rishi Goyal
"The future of the dollar" by Richard N. Cooper
"A modest proposal for international monetary reform" by Bruce C. Greenwald and Joseph Stiglitz
"Report of the commission of experts of the president of the United Nations general assembly on reforms of the international monetary and financial system"
Notes about "Elementi comuni e differenze tra il Piano Keynes (1943) e la (nostra) proposta che parte dall’SDR quale già esiste e lo pone al centro del sistema monetario internazionale"
"The SDR debate" by Barry Eichengreen
"The international monetary system: Old and new debates"
"Exchange rates and current account rebalancing: some estimates" by Menzie Chinn
"Beggar-Thy-neighbor interest rate policies" and "Why exchange rate changes will not correct global trade imbalances" by Ronald I. McKinnon
"Regulating capital flows to emerging markets: design and implementation issues" by Anton Korinek
"Macro-governance and the great game of international monetary reform" by Marcus Miller
"How have multiple reserve currencies functioned in the past? Why were the rules-based adjustment indicator and the stabilisation account abandoned in the past?" by Catherine R. Schenk
"Building an SDR-based global reserve system" by José Antonio Ocampo
"An exit from the Sino-US impasse. How to end hostility over the renminbi" by Songzuo Xiang
"The international financial architecture seen through the lens of the crisis: Some achievements and numerous challenges" by S. Griffith-Jones and José Antonio Ocampo
"Reform of the global financial architecture" by Garry J. Schinasi and Edwin M. Truman
"Global imbalances, national rebalancing and the political economy of recovery" by Jeffrey Frieden
"The IMF as an international lender of last resort" by Edwin M. Truman
"The debate about the SDR as a global reserve currency and SDR denominated securities" by Elena Flor
"Beyond the dollar: rethinking the international monetary system", A Chatam House report edited by Paola Subacchi and John Driffill
"Global imbalances and the key currency regime: The case for a commodity reserve currency" by Leanne J. Ussher
"The Global crisis and the future of the international monetary system" by Fabrizio Saccomanni
"A l’ombre du bancor" by Paul Mandy
"Global crisis and national policy responses: together alone?" by Jorge Braga de Macedo
"Architecture of the international monetary system: what is unsustainable? What is missing?" by Alex Cukierman
"Fighting global economic instability with a genuine multilateral reserve standard. How a strategic alliance between regional arrangements could make the difference" by Christian Ghymers
"The foundation of a cooperative global financial system. A new Bretton Woods to confront the crisis of the international role of the US dollar" by Alfonso Iozzo and Antonio Mosconi
"Some simple observations on the reform of the international monetary system" by Jan Kregel
"A new Triffin paradox for the global economy" by Jan Kregel
"Competitive money supply: the international monetary system in perspective" by Filippo Cesarano
"The international monetary system in the last (and next) 20 Years" by Barry Eichengreen and Raul Razo-Garcia
"Monetary theory and Bretton Woods" by Filippo Cesarano

Conditions of Access and Use


English, Italian

Type of Archival Materials


Allied Materials

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