Documents from [01/2004] to [05/2004]Identity Statement
Bonini, Gherardo
Content and Structure
Unpublished speech on "The pre-accession phase: a résumé of the past years of cooperation and policy" dialogue delivered at the Paris seminar on the EU accession process, Paris, 5 March 2004
Unpublished remarks on "Budgetary discipline in the context of the stability and growth pact" at the Paris seminar on the EU accession process, Paris, 5 March 2004
"L’economia tra nomos e physis", lecure delivered on 12 March 2004 at the University of Bari
"The Evolving European Financial Landscape: Integration and Regulation" speech held at a colloquium organised by the "Groupe Caisse des Dépôts/KfW" in Berlin on 22 March 2004
"The Euro and its enlarging family", transcript of speech held at the Euro conference on the occasion of the 85th anniversary of the Estonian Bank, Tallinn, 3 May 2004
"International currencies and competitiveness: setting the scene", speech held at the annual plenary meeting 2004 of the Trilateral Commission, Warsaw, 9 May 2004
"Drivers of European financial integration. Markets or policy?", introductory remarks to panel session delivered at the symposium concluding two years of the ECB/CFS research network on "Capital markets and financial integration in Europe", Frankfurt, 11 May 2004
Conditions of Access and Use
English, Italian