Grey literature concerning the transition to the Euro
Grey literature concerning the transition to the Euro
Documents from [1996] to [2003]
Identity Statement
Created By
HAEU Reference Code
Reference Archivists
Bonini, Gherardo
Content and Structure
"Kompendium von Texten zur Wirtschafts und Währungsunion"
The banking and financial sector in the countries of South-Eastern Europe
"Mission exploratoire sur les modalités de passage à la monnaie unique. Deuxième rapport du président"
Managing the Changeover to the Single Currency
Practical Issues arising from the Introduction of the Euro
"Passage à la monnaie unique. Rapport des groupes de travail de la profession bancaire"
The Changeover to Economic and Monetary Union
"L’Euro forte come il marco" (Italian translation of "Der Euro stark wie die Mark")
"Der Euro stark wie die Mark"
Conditions of Access and Use
English, French, German, Italian
Type of Archival Materials
Allied Materials
Location of Originals